Tropical Storm Larry set to develop into a significant hurricane, poses no menace to Cayman - CayPress

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Tropical Storm Larry set to develop into a significant hurricane, poses no menace to Cayman

For the latest information on storm activity in the Cayman Islands, as well as information on how to prepare for hurricane season, visit Storm Centre.

Tropical Storm Larry, which poses no threat to land at this time, has been strengthening in the Atlantic and is set to become a hurricane Thursday then possibly a major hurricane by Friday morning.

National Weather Service meteorologist Shamal Clarke, in an emailed response to Cayman Compass queries Wednesday, said Cayman is in the clear when it comes to Larry’s forecast track.

“Tropical Storm Larry is expected to remain over the Atlantic Ocean and potentially develop into a major hurricane by Friday. This system poses no threat to the Cayman Islands as the latest forecast track has the system moving northwest over the North Atlantic Ocean,” Clarke said.

As for the weather system developing to the south of Grand Cayman, the NWS meteorologist said the forecast remains unchanged at this time, as it is still projected to move along…

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