The world has been attempting to grasp this limitless clear vitality supply because the Thirties. We’re now nearer than ever - CayPress

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The world has been attempting to grasp this limitless clear vitality supply because the Thirties. We’re now nearer than ever

ITER’s fusion energy experiments will take place inside the vacuum vessel of a donut-shaped machine called a tokamak.

Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France — From a small hill in the southern French region of Provence, you can see two suns. One has been blazing for four-and-a-half billion years and is setting. The other is being built by thousands of human minds and hands, and is — far more slowly — rising. The last of the real sun’s evening rays cast a magical glow over the other — an enormous construction site that could solve the biggest existential crisis in human history.

It is here, in the tiny commune of…

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