After 40 days in a bomb shelter, two Ukrainian refugees and 17 canine are prepared to begin a brand new life in Poland - CayPress

Friday, June 17, 2022

After 40 days in a bomb shelter, two Ukrainian refugees and 17 canine are prepared to begin a brand new life in Poland


When CNN Hero Aaron Jackson welcomed the first group of dogs from Ukraine to the abandoned animal shelter he’s reopened in Poland, he also took in two refugees who shared an amazing story of survival.

Jackson, the founder of the non-profit Planting Peace, traveled from his Florida home to Poland shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine. He estimates that he has helped find housing for some 300 refugees, including many dog owners who struggled to stay with their pets.

“If you were walking through the camps, there were just so many refugees that had brought their dogs over. And that only makes sense. It’s an extension of their family,” Jackson told CNN

Jackson learned that dogs coming from Ukraine had not been allowed to mix with local dogs in Polish shelters due to concerns about disease. So, he recently found an animal shelter sitting empty in…

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