Ethiopian authorities and Tigrayan forces transfer in the direction of negotiations - CayPress

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Ethiopian authorities and Tigrayan forces transfer in the direction of negotiations

The committee has been “studying the preconditions and how the negotiations will go,” he said.

The committee will be led by his Deputy Prime Minister, Demeke Mekonnen, and is expected to submit a report outlining the details to Abiy within 10 to 15 days.

“We are committed to peace be it with TPLF (Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front) or any other entity who seeks peace,” he said.

On Tuesday night, Debretsion Gebremichael, president of TPLF, said his group was “prepared to negotiate for peace consistent with fundamental principles for human rights, democracy, and accountability,” in an open letter posted to Twitter.

“We shall participate in a credible, impartial and principled peace process,” the letter read, adding that the group maintains that any peace talks must be held in Nairobi, Kenya with mediations led by Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta.

“Our position remains that the peace process requires the engagement of a range of international partners, under the leadership of the…

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