Philippines: Abortion’s unlawful within the Catholic majority nation, so greater than 1,000,000 girls a 12 months flip to different choices - CayPress

Monday, July 18, 2022

Philippines: Abortion’s unlawful within the Catholic majority nation, so greater than 1,000,000 girls a 12 months flip to different choices

“We take on huge risks if we agree to perform an abortion,” said Miriam, who is using an alias to protect herself from prosecution in the Philippines. She has performed four abortions on women aged 23 to 48 — all in secret.

Doctors and nurses caught performing abortions or providing assistance are also subject to harsh punishment by the state. “We risk losing our medical licenses and would also face charges in court,” Miriam said.

In the Philippines, many women seek other solutions to unwanted or unviable pregnancies, regardless of risks.

Lawyer Clara Rita Padilla, a spokeswoman for the Philippine Safe Abortion Advocacy Network (PINSAN), said that while there are “progressive interpretations” of the abortion law in the Philippines, there are no clear exemptions allowing for terminating pregnancies even in severe cases like rape and incest — or to save the life of the pregnant woman.

A study conducted by PINSAN in 2020 found 1.26 million abortions were carried out in the country,…

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