Money strapped gov’t unit fundraising for teen moms - CayPress

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Money strapped gov’t unit fundraising for teen moms

(CNS): The Family Resource Centre, a government unit under the Department of Counselling Services and part of the health ministry, is asking the private sector to donate money during March as part of the annual Honouring Women’s Month (HWM) for its Young Parents Services. The FRC supports teenage mothers between the ages of 13 and 25 to access education, training, transport and childcare to improve their circumstances and “promote efforts of equity for success”, the theme for this year’s International Women’s Day.

Officials said that local statistics indicate a slight decline in the number of reported teen pregnancies in recent years but there has been an increase in repeat pregnancies. Over the past three years, 35 young parents and 36 of their children ages 0-4 have accessed the FRC’s Young Parent Services (YPS).

“The expenditures attached to this programme have continuously increased due to added stressors and limited opportunities, such as those…

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