Native unemployment fee falls to document low - CayPress

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Native unemployment fee falls to document low

Construction site in Cayman (file photo)

(CNS): The unemployment rate among Caymanians fell to a new low of 3.6% in October 2022, with just 796 local people declaring themselves jobless, according to the Economic and Statistics Office’s Fall Labour Force Survey. With another 9,000 people added to the workforce last year, the population is now over 81,500, an increase of more than 10,000 people since the 2021 census. Allowing for the margin of error, it could be as high as 86,606.

This latest ESO survey also shows that overall unemployment, including permanent residents and all categories of expatriate workers without a job, has hit a record low of just 2.1%, which is categorized as full employment.

Caymanians now make up 37% of the 56,355 people who are currently employed here. Jamaicans remain the largest group of work permit holders at 21,888, making up almost 29% of the workforce. They are followed by 6,657 people from the Philippines, while the third largest…

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