One-in-Six Asian American Voters in 2022 Reported Feeling Threatened When Voting… – Press Release - CayPress

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

One-in-Six Asian American Voters in 2022 Reported Feeling Threatened When Voting… – Press Release

Advancing Justice – AAJC Commissions First of Its Kind Survey To Include Voter and Non-Voter Asian American Respondents

WASHINGTON, May 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC’s (Advancing Justice – AAJC) latest poll breaks new ground and builds on previous polls of Asian American voters by getting at the heart of what motivates Asian Americans to vote—and what prevents some Asian Americans from voting.

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The 2022 National Poll of Asian American Non-Voters and Voters released today finds that one-in-six Asian American voters described feeling threatened when they went to the polls in 2022, though most Asian American voters generally found the voting process easy. When asked, non-voters reported that better candidates and more information on candidates might entice them to vote in future elections.

“Asian Americans are the fastest growing electorate in the United States with more than 8.4 million who are registered to vote,” said Terry Ao Minnis, Senior Director of Census and Voting Programs at Advancing Justice – AAJC. “This survey represents a unique study of Asian Americans’ experiences with voting and insight into why approximately 5.2 million Asian Americans have yet to register to vote.”

The 2022 National Poll of Asian American Non-Voters and Voters was conducted by BSP Research in the weeks following the 2022 midterm elections. The survey interviewed 2,100 Asian American voters and 700 non-voters about their views and experiences during the election. 

“More than one-in-two voters reported encountering what they thought to be election-related misinformation at least ‘somewhat often’,” said Taeku Lee, lead researcher. “This suggests that more research is needed to understand the relationship between misinformation and voters’ experiences. Moreover, additional…

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