UK gives assist to guard Cayman’s deep ocean : Cayman Information Service - CayPress

Friday, September 8, 2023

UK gives assist to guard Cayman’s deep ocean : Cayman Information Service

(CNS): An upcoming workshop will explore opportunities for expanding deep-sea marine conservation efforts in the Cayman Islands with support from the United Kingdom’s flagship Blue Belt Programme. The workshop is part of a week-long series of events where local agencies will develop plans for safeguarding Cayman’s Exclusive Economic Zone waters from pollution, illegal fishing and climate change.

Premier and Minister of Sustainability and Climate Resiliency Wayne Panton said the Blue Belt Programme offers unique opportunities for the Cayman Islands to strengthen protections for marine biodiversity and manage human impacts on deep-sea marine areas.

“Here in the Cayman Islands, we have recognised the unique value of our marine ecosystems for a long time and have taken significant steps to safeguard our coastal waters through an enhanced marine protected area network with zones covering an impressive 55% of our nearshore waters,” he said in a press release about…

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